Saturday, January 24, 2009

NASA used for propaganda in the crisis again

Meanwhile the economic turmoil hit the US and world economy as hard as never before in the past 80 years the new US administration plays the propaganda card again. So is the new America change we can believe in? Or is it only only propaganda?One part of this propaganda is the good old "Man in the moon" story. 
See here an excerpt of an interview by CNN with  Robert Richards (CEO of Odyssey Moon Ltd.):

"CNN: Cast your mind ahead to 2020. What kind of role do you expect the moon to be playing in the lives of people in 2020?

Bob Richards: In 2020 the moon is going to be part of our human society, of our economic sphere. Human beings will be there. I think the private sector will outpace governments for a while, but the governments will be working in concert and we will be establishing a moon base, prospecting for resources, we'll be trying to understand how we can utilize the moon for the benefit of life on Earth.

We'll also be utilizing the moon as a platform for launching ourselves for other adventures, to planets like Mars and beyond. That will be our world in 2020."

So this is really funny. We shall believe that the moon will be a colony of the US by 2020 :))))
Aren' t there some other problems on earth we should solve before? Is this not only a nice propaganda show to make people who suffer a lot from stupid wars like Iraq, Afghanistan, international bank crisis, etc. to believe in their country again? 

See here an excerpt of a BBC report from 2005 showing that already under the Bush administration this moon tale was used for propaganda :

"Nasa plans return to Moon by 2020
The US space agency Nasa has announced plans to return to the Moon by 2020.

Nasa administrator Dr Michael Griffin said four astronauts would be sent in a new space vehicle, in a project that would cost $104bn (£58bn).

"We will return to the Moon no later than 2020 and extend human presence across the Solar System and beyond," Dr Griffin said on Monday."

Sad but true. The US get caught up in turmoil and the NASA shall foster the believe in this "great nation" again. It is really sad that they continue to lie to people and to waste their money for a rediculous propaganda TV show. Who shall record the moon landing this time? Steven Spielberg? It is similar to 1969. First they record a movie like Odyseey 2001 and later they announce a moon landing (taken in a studio :-) ) 

Now we seeThe Day The Earth Stood Still   in the movies and later we land on the moon showing to the world how great this country is. I only hope the fake will be better this time. The world is already laughing about America and their men in the moon :-) 

Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Landings 1969 till now!

Here the overview of the so-called moon landings the NASA claims for them:

Human Moon Landings

Mission NameLunar LanderLunar Landing DateLunar Blastoff DateLunar Landing SiteDuration on Lunar SurfaceCrewNumber of EVAsTotal EVA Time
Apollo 11EagleJuly 20, 1969July 21, 1969Sea of Tranquility21:31Neil ArmstrongEdwin "Buzz" Aldrin12:31
Apollo 12IntrepidNovember 19, 1969November 21, 1969Ocean of Storms1 day, 7:31Charles "Pete" ConradAlan Bean27:45
Apollo 14AntaresFebruary 5, 1971February 6, 1971Fra Mauro1 day, 9:30Alan B. ShepardEdgar Mitchell29:21
Apollo 15FalconJuly 30, 1971August 3, 1971Hadley Rille2 days, 18:55David ScottJames Irwin318:33
Apollo 16OrionApril 21, 1972April 24, 1972Descartes Highlands2 days, 23:02John W. YoungCharles Duke320:14
Apollo 17ChallengerDecember 11, 1972December 14, 1972Taurus-Littrow3 days, 2:59Eugene CernanHarrison H. "Jack" Schmitt322:04

one can verify the source here:

Now: Please tell me, if all of that is so easy then why WAS THERE NO OTHER MOON LANDING since 1 9 7 2 ?  ?  ?

Probably it would be much more difficult nowadays to cheat the public about it.  

My dear men on the moon: if it was possible in 1969 it should be a childen's game to do a moon landing nowadays. Is there someone who can explain that to me :-) 

Friday, January 16, 2009

The reasons for the faked moon landings:

Cold War prestige — The U.S. government considered it vital that the U.S. win the space race 
against the Soviet Union. Going to the Moon was risky and expensive (John F. Kennedy famously said that the U.S. chose to go because it was hard).
Despite close monitoring by the Soviet Union, Bill Kaysing maintains 
that it would have been easier for the U.S. to fake it, and consequently guarantee success, than
 for the U.S. actually to go. 
Money — NASA raised approximately $30 billion to go to the Moon. Bill Kaysing claims that this
 amount could have been used to pay off a large number of people, providing significant motivation
 for complicity .
Risk — This argument assumes that the problems early in the space program were insurmountable, even by a technology team fully motivated and funded to fix the problems. Kaysing claimed that  the chance of a successful landing on the moon was calculated to be 0.017%.
Distraction — According to hoax proponents, the U.S. government benefited from a popular
 distraction from the Vietnam war. Lunar activities suddenly stopped, with planned missions 
cancelled, around the same time that the U.S. ceased its involvement in the Vietnam War.
 (However, the Apollo program was cancelled several years before the Vietnam War ended.

Delivering the promise — To seemingly fulfill President Kennedy's 1961 promise "to achieving
 the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to
 the Earth." 

Here the cheap studio before they took the landing:

Photo of the high-quality SSTV image before the scan conversion

And here how it looked later:

See here how Rammstein imagines the moon landing:

The faked moon landings in comedy

Some of you might think the moon landings are still not funny enough although they are a cheap and obvious hoax. 
There are also some comedians who tackled the moon landings. For instance little britain.
Have a look:

The faked moon landings

During the cold war the two superpowers (USSR and US&A) fought to be the first on the moon. 
President Nixon demanded to be the first and still some
 people believe that Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. Actually the full entire landing was recorded on earth. It was one of the gratest Hoax' in history! 
So far they did a great job. 
Still don't believe it is a hoax? Then answer me 1 question:
Watch the movies presented on this page or view the moon landing on an alternative page (or TV,etc). You will see the american flag in the wind. 
So what is my question: The flag, how is it possible, that it is flapping since there IS NO WIND ON THE MOON due to the fact that there is no atmosphere!!! 
This fact you also may confirm through other sources but it is one of the clearest proves that this could not have been recorded on the moon ever! 
So see the movies on the page and join the discussion we have here. 

and now can you explain why
the flag is flapping on the moon
without wind and atmosphere?!

It is an easy one: It was recorded on planet earth! 
Like Odyssey 2001 by Stanley Kubrick.